Installation of the COMODO Tools

Installation of the COMODO Tools

You must have a basic knowledge of file management with GNU/Linux command-line to use these tools and to understand this document. If you get a problem, make sure you read this page before reporting it.


These softwares:

  • are developped and can run on Linux 64 bits platforms
  • and may also run on Mac OSX.

You will also need mercurial and have a basic understanding of it to easily access the repositories and to keep your repositories up-to-date.

The poc-solvers need

  • bash, wget, ed, automake, g++, gfortran, cmake 2.8 or above
  • the development files for lapack and suitesparse
  • optionally the development files for scotch, for TUGOm to run faster
  • and, if you want to use these with TUGOm, the development files for arpack or parpack

The SIROCCO Tools need

  • optionally
    • the development files for shp for Shapefiles (.shp) support
    • a late version of the poc-solvers for discretisation projection support
  • flex, bison and the development files for:
    • proj-4.8 or above (preferably proj-4.9.0b2 or above)
    • gsl, netcdf and lapack

POCViP needs

  • the development files for GTK2 and, optionally, readline
  • a late version of the SIROCCO Tools

TUGO needs

  • a late version of the poc-solvers with :
    • at least umfpack support
    • preferably scotch support
    • and, for the MPI version, hwloc, metis and
    • zdhips (see the documentation of in the poc-solvers for this)
  • the developpment files for gsl, netcdf and, for TUGO-GUI, gtk2

For openSUSE

You may need to run the following command:

bash -cx 'sudo zypper addrepo`lsb-release -sd |sed -re "s/ /_/g;s/\"//g"`/science.repo'

and also see for other repositories.

For Ubuntu

You may need to run the following command:

sudo apt install mercurial lib{arpack2-,parpack2-,lapack-,scalapack-mpi-,suitesparse-,scotch-,hwloc-,proj-,gsl-,netcdf-,gtk2.0-,readline6-}dev cmake autoconf flex bison



The repositories are stored as regularly-updated bundles on one of my file-sharing folders.


You can then clone the content of all the repositories with these bash commands, preferably from an empty directory:

curl "{tugo,poc-solvers,tools,pocvip}.hgb" -o "#1.hgb"
for r in tugo poc-solvers tools pocvip;do
  mkdir $r
  cd $r
  hg init
  hg unb -u ../$r.hgb
  cd ..

Compilation instructions are all in a README in each repository.


You should also regularly update at least your sources!

  1. Back-up your changes, if any, with:
    hg diff -g > `hg parent --template "{rev}:{node|short}.patch"`
  2. Update your repository with:
    r=`basename $(hg root)`
    curl "{$r-1y.hgb}" -o "../#1"
    hg unb ../$r-1y.hgb
  3. Update your sources with:
    hg up
  4. Update your binaries as explained in the then updated README.
