Documentation and manuals for users and developers are slowly building. We are progressively feeding a WIKI site (TRAC), unfortunately not available at the moment for non-LEGOS users (external WIKI server should be implemented at LEGOS next fall). WIKI site can be found at : http://srv-ecola:8080/TRAC-TUGO/wiki .
Meanwhile some older documents are available:
Table of contents [hide]
Input parameters handling
Model simulation parameters are controlled through a unique input file. It contains keyword-controlled sections and parameters that can be edited directly or accessed through a GTK-based GUI that takes cares of backward compatibility (i.e. old input files will be understood by newer model version). Using the GUI allows for guarantying up-to-date input file.
Input file can be exhaustive (all parameters written, even those set to the T-UGOm default setting) or partial (parameters set to the T-UGOm default setting skipped).
Delta input files can be used in combination with a main input file (useful for parameters exploration runs). Parameters given in delta file will overwrite those found in the main input file.
User manual
General settings
- 2D (external) time step
The simulation time step must be tuned to fit dynamical equations stability constraints. Following the chosen continuity solver and the simulation dynamics, it is limited by the gravity wave and/or advection CFLs. Using GWE or WE solvers allows for relaxing the CFL limit by a factor ~2.
Sub-cycling can be used to locally satisfy stronger limitations.
- discretisation
- continuity equation solver
- general wave equation (GWE)
semi-implicit, the historical (mog2D) solver
- wave equation, also named pressure correction (WE)
semi-implicit, inspired from Casulli-Walter pressure correction scheme
- explicit continuity equation
- dissipation
- bottom friction
- internal wave drag
- horizontal diffusion
- mesh size controlled diffusion
- Smagorinsky
- smoothers
Runtime settings
- OpenMP
- instability tracking
Optional settings
- energy diagnostics
- stream functions
- tracers
- drifters
IO settings
- inputs
- simulation parameters files
- continuation files
- mesh
- bathymetry
- boundary codes
- local model parameters
- outputs
- output directory
- continuation files
- unstructured outputs
- structured outputs
Configuring tidal simulation
- boundary conditions
- loading/self-attraction forcing files
- harmonic analysis
Configuring storm surges simulation
- boundary conditions
- meteorological forcing
File format
- grd (GMT) NetCDF format
- standard NetCDF format
unstructured grid
- neighbour (*.nei)
- Telemac ASCII
- Telemac BINARY
unstructured data
- WW3 NetCDF
structured data
- WW3 NetCDF