The ILICO scientific workshop INTEGRATION on MHWs
The INTEGRATION workshop on marine heat waves, co-organised by the SNOs SIROCCO, COAST-HF, MOOSE and SOMLIT as part of the scientific workshops of the ILICO Research Infrastructure and funded by the Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB), was held in Toulouse from 26 to 28 June 2023.
The workshop provided an opportunity to learn about the various projects and work in progress in several national and international research laboratories and institutes on this emerging theme. They provided an opportunity to cross-fertilise complementary expertise, methodologies and data sets. The workshops were presented at the ILICO General Assembly in October 2023. These workshops are currently being extended through monthly meetings (lasting around 1 hour) which include a presentation and exchanges of information on the subject of MHWs. Please contact us if you would like to take part.
Contact :
Caroline ULSES:
Laurent Coppola: laurent.coppolaATimev-mer.f ;
Guillaume Charria:
Nicolas Savoye: